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Mail-Order Mismatch: Brides of Burlington County, Book Two Page 14
Mail-Order Mismatch: Brides of Burlington County, Book Two Read online
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My Dear Elly,
Thank you for your constant support and love. I feel it, despite our distance. You can’t know what that means to me, but I am eternally grateful.
I told Holden everything. I should have done it sooner. I felt like no matter how I moved forward, I would hurt someone I loved. It was such a sad, lonely time for me.
Much to my surprise, Holden listened patiently and without expressing hurt. He was angry that Web tried to force a marriage on me, and more so that he followed me to Wyoming. But I’ve skipped ahead, so I’ll come back to that.
Holden was so excited to learn that he was going to be a father. He was also concerned that I had kept it a secret from him. I know I shouldn’t have, but my fears of hurting Tilly were too strong.
He reassured me that Tilly would be happy for us, despite her struggle. He was right. She hugged me and shed happy tears, though I do see a wistful glance here and there when she doesn’t know I’m watching. I pray she finds peace soon. She’s a wonderful woman, and I am so thankful to have her as my sister-in-law.
Web came to town like an angry shadow, lurking to find me. He wanted to catch me unaware and he did. I thought I would be tough and strong enough to defend myself if ever he came after me. I was watchful and careful, but he remained a sneaky step ahead of me, taking me against my will.
I can’t tell you how scared I was, but somewhere in the middle of the terror on that awful horseback ride through the snow, I found peace that I didn’t understand but was grateful for.
We stopped after what seemed like an eternity, and I just prayed. I prayed for Holden to find me. I prayed for the baby. I prayed that I would be able to find forgiveness for Web in my lifetime.
I didn’t have to wait long. Holden had found my trail. Preacher Paul and the sheriff were with him, along with most of our ranch hands. I never saw such an impressive sight in my life, but what happened next shook me. Web aimed a gun at Holden.
Paul put himself in between Web and Holden. I was told this wasn’t the first time my brother-in-law has done something like that. He lost his right arm in the war, and I recently found out that it was because he took a bullet meant for my husband. My heart is eternally grateful for that brave soul.
I’ve never seen my gentle husband so fierce. To put it mildly, he did not like Paul interfering, and I can understand. He feels responsible for everyone, and he’s a man of honor. He could have killed Web; even the sheriff would have found it justified. He didn’t. Web surrendered when he realized he was surrounded, and he will be taken to trial for what he has done. His son, Jasper, too.
When the threat was gone, I asked Holden why he didn’t kill Web. I don’t know what I expected him to say, as I know his strength and his fears. He explained that he hoped Web could find real redemption. He said I showed him that was possible by fighting for a new life for Samantha. I didn’t think what you and I did would impact anyone, except for a lovely woman who needed a chance. In the end, I guess we really made Holden think, and I feel honored to be loved by a man with such depth and integrity. Let our love story strengthen your conviction that you were called to be the Mail-Order Matriarch. Stand proud against those who seek to discourage you, knowing what you are doing is what God intended for you.
I hope you are well. Sending all my love. I have also sent a care package to Lindsay to thank her for the lovely dress for Tilly. It will be arriving at the same address you receive letters now, along with letters for the ladies.
Dearest Angelica,
Your story gave me chills! I’m so glad you and your baby are alright. I can’t imagine being taken by someone who wanted to keep my child! The thought makes me feel ill, but I take great comfort knowing that you are safe in Holden’s care.
Thank you for your kind words. I’m grateful that your marriage with Holden has turned into a beautiful love story.
I’m getting to know Lauren quite well, and she’s every bit as wonderful as you described. She’s strong and compassionate and hard-working. It is an honor to have her here. She doesn’t say much about it, but I think someone broke her heart and that’s why she decided to follow in your footsteps. She’s quiet, and it worries me a little. Your letters really seem to bring her joy.
Love to you!
Mrs. Elly Bates
Dearest Elly,
Tilly has adopted and my heart is full of joy! The child is aged two. His name is Joel, and his fluffy blond hair and sweet blue eyes stole my heart from the first moment I saw him. He was bashful and quiet at first. He took a little while to warm up to Tilly and Paul, but he is like a different child now. He laughs freely and smiles generously, his brightest smiles reserved for Tilly.
Joel and Tilly came to visit the other day, and I wanted to scoop him up and kiss him, but I was afraid to scare him. He will warm up to the rest of us in due time, but for now, seeing him snuggle up into Tilly’s lap was so fulfilling. She seems softer, somehow, but not the least bit vulnerable. I’m so grateful for her blessings. Becoming a mother has toughened her up in ways I didn’t expect, but I imagine I will find out on my own soon enough.
I’m praying for your blessing. I know she will be strong and beautiful, like her mother, bringing peace to you after all you’ve endured. I know we are taking a risk, calling her ‘she’ before we know for sure, but I will continue to do so until I hear from you that you’ve given birth.
All my love!
Angelica sat in the wagon bed between both baskets, curious why Holden insisted on taking the twins for a ride. Holden Jr. slept peacefully while Dorothy stretched and began to cry. Despite the stiff warnings from Inez that she would spoil the babes, she picked Dorothy up the moment she began to fuss.
Her daughter snuggled close, falling asleep almost the instant she was in Angelica’s arms. She smirked. Maybe Inez was right, but spoiling them was her delight.
The rocking of the wagon lulled her into a peaceful state, her mind clouded by lack of sleep, but she was still blissfully happy. Holden had been noticeably absent of late, and she was pleased he decided to take a full day for family time.
The wagon stopped and Holden turned toward her, speaking softly. “Sweetheart, I want to show you something.” He stepped down from the wagon and carefully took Dorothy, continuing to cradle her gently after Angelica had climbed down. “I’ll take Holden’s basket, too. Let’s take a walk.”
She grinned, recognizing the area he had taken them to. “This is near the field of flowers you showed me the first time you brought me to the ranch.”
He laughed softly. “It is. I’ve always had a soft spot for the view, and when I saw the look on your face when we came, I realized that it was something we shared.”
She looped her hand around his waist, careful not to jostle the babies. She knew he would gladly hand over Dorothy if she asked him to, but he gazed at her like he never wanted to put her down, melting Angelica’s heart.
They walked slowly, rounding the bend to see the flowers in all their glory. Nestled in the middle of the beautiful field was a large ranch house, freshly painted white.
Angelica gasped. “Is this ours?”
“It is.” Holden kissed her tenderly. “I built this for us. Want to see the inside?”
She nodded, too overcome by emotion to speak. Holden Jr. began to cry, and she quickly picked him up, his tiny head against her shoulder making her feel as if she’d been given blessings beyond what she ever expected or deserved. Holden took her hand, gently leading her up the stairs.
“The porch wraps all the way around, giving us a beautiful view.” Holden’s voice held a note of excitement. “The children will have space to run and play inside when it’s too cold outside, and we can gather here together.”
He led her to a large fireplace with a hand-carved mantle. JAMIESON was evenly cut in bold letters in the center. She stepped closer. One corner read ‘My Angelica’, while the othe
r read ‘Big Bear’. She laughed.
“What? I can be a bear but only when I need to. Look.” He pointed to the middle, underneath Jamieson. “Dorothy and Holden Jr. , with space for more.”
She snuggled her son closer and said, “You’re already thinking of more children?”
“Who knows what the future holds, my love. But I will love you till my very last breath.”
Tears sprang to her eyes. “And I, you.”
Mail-Order Masquerade
In a marriage of convenience, who needs love?
William Martindale's inheritance will be forfeited if he remains unmarried, passing instead to his younger brother and his wife, who plan to liquidate the family business. Still battling to overcome the harsh realities of the Civil War, William's passion for running the family jewelry store is what keeps him going. He will do anything to keep it, even if it means getting married to a stranger. He seeks help from Elly, choosing Samantha with the secret hope of a quick divorce from a woman who he thinks will go away quietly.
Samantha Westmore yearn for love but is willing to settle for acceptance after being shunned by the pious women of Moorestown. She agrees to marry William with the hope that he won't hold her past against her, falling in love with him in the process.
Will Samantha be able to win William's heart before it's too late?
Follow the Brides of Burlington County series as Widow Elly Bates arranges Happily Ever Afters in this clean and wholesome, Christian historical fiction.
Preorder here.
About the Author
Amelia St. James resides in Florida with her darling sons, baby daughter, and wonderful husband. Amidst the chaos and excitement, she manages to sneak in time for chocolate and writing, sometimes enjoying both at the same time.
She is passionate about writing and loves all things romantic and optimistic. Characters rich with depth and imperfections resonate with her, and she believes her books aren’t complete unless the characters have made her both laugh and cry.
Follow her on Facebook to stay current with her latest release, and her newsletter to follow her regular updates.
Also by Amelia St. James
Mail-Order Matriarch
Yellow Rose of Christmas
A Billion Reasons to Run