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Mail-Order Mismatch: Brides of Burlington County, Book Two Page 9

  “She’s done good, taking over the cooking.” Harry inclined his head at Angelica before grinning at Holden.

  “Thanks, Harry.” Holden watched as the man’s face took on an uncharacteristic scowl. “What’s on your mind?”

  “We got to go after those men, Holden. You don’t have to be a family man to know what they done was wrong down to the core of their beings. Hurting those children and their mother was almost animal.”

  Holden put his fork down, his appetite gone. “Sheriff Duran will be back in town today, from what I hear. It’s going to get settled the way of the law, Harry.”

  “There ain’t no law that can fix what they’ve done, Holden. The only thing that’s going to make me feel better is knowing that they won’t hurt anyone else.” He banged his fist on the table, causing those around him to glance over in interest. He raised his head and spoke, much louder now. “We need to get those Stillwells and send a message to anyone around that hurting women and children won’t be tolerated on our watch.”

  The men yelled in unison, causing Angelica to look up sharply. The cheering and yelling faded, leaving her with a confused look on her face as she watched from the cookstove.

  Holden stood, weighing his words carefully. “Men, we have every right to protect what’s ours and to stand firm in what we believe in. However, the sheriff will be handling this matter.” He ignored the groans, knowing the men would be just fine once they were riding off to work.

  He watched for a moment, until he was satisfied that they were settled down. Angelica brought her meal over and sat next to him, her body close enough to feel her shiver next to him. He put his arm around her and rubbed her arm. “Cold away from the stove?”

  “It’s freezing.” She nodded toward his abandoned food. “You don’t like the meal today?”

  He pulled his plate closer and forced down a bite of cold eggs, saying, “It’s delicious, my love. Thank you for all the hard work you put into taking care of all of us.”

  She grinned, and the grief inside of him quieted a little. What happened to the Nunez family would have bothered him no matter what, but it really threatened his sense of peace now that he had a wife. What was to become of her if the land disputes worsened?

  As if sensing his angst, she put her head against his shoulder and said, “I love you, Holden. I want you to know that whatever happens, I’m going to be here for you, wanting the best for you and loving you through the worst. No matter what.”

  He gave her a gentle squeeze. “No matter what.” Kissing her on the top of the head, he said, “We’d better get going. A whole section of fencing needs replaced today, and it’s going to be an all-day project. Thank you for breakfast.”

  “Leave that.” She motioned toward his plate. “I’ll make an exception for the boss.” She winked at him, making him feel a little weak in the knees.

  “Thanks.” He stared at her a moment, committing her beauty to memory. She huddled deeper into her jacket and he immediately regretted leaving her. Before he could sit back down, Cam jumped up between them and leaned into her. He smiled before heading toward the barn.

  Getting a dog had been a gamble, especially since Angelica kept her thoughts so closely guarded. He hadn’t known if she would warm up to having a pet or not, but they’d taken to each other quite well. He felt better knowing she’d always have a companion when he was out working on the ranch, and would breathe a little easier once Cam grew into his role.

  “I’ve got Mac saddled for you today, sir.” Syrus handed the reins to Holden, nodding behind him. “We have riders, sir.”

  “Thanks, Syrus.” Holden turned, watching the group of men riding in as his cowhands casually formed a protective stance, his guards forming a barrier between the riders and his wife. As the riders neared, Holden saw it was the sheriff.

  He watched as the sheriff dismounted, his shoulders slumped and his eyes weary. “Holden.”

  “Mornin’, Sheriff. What brings you to my ranch so early in the morning?”

  Sheriff Duran turned his head towards the cooking area and sniffed, his eyes closed. “Hmm. That smells delicious.” Turning back to face Holden, he said, “I’m here to inform you and your men that the Stillwell brothers have been captured and the evidence against them strongly supports that they were responsible for what happened to the Nunez family. They will be brought to trial, though I don’t expect it to take long for them to be found guilty.”

  “Thank you, Sheriff. If you don’t mind my asking, what evidence did you find to prove that they were the ones responsible?”

  “Well, they were the most obvious choice, so it was a matter of deduction. But if you must know, they had already allowed their animals to spread out onto the Nunez land, and their brand had been burned on top of the Nunez brand. They moved in fast, rather than seeking justice. I’d say they had a heavy hand in what happened, hoping that they’d get by with it out here. Not on my watch.”

  He glanced back at the men behind him. “We’re going to leave tonight to transport the Stillwell brothers. Some other ranchers are trying to follow their lead and grow their herds the easy way. If you have any trouble while I’m gone, use whatever means necessary to resolve them. You’re a good man, Holden. I know if push comes to shove, you’ll shove harder.”

  “Thanks, Sheriff. You and your men are welcome to stay and eat breakfast before you’re on your way.”

  “Thanks. I do believe I will take you up on that offer. The smells drifting over here are too heavenly to pass up.” Sheriff Duran waved his men over as Holden mounted Mac, riding off past his small ranch house as a plan formed that left him smiling.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Dear Angelica,

  Holden sounds like a wonderful man, and the way you describe him reminds me of my Alexander. Hold onto what is good and work together through the hard times—that was our vow to each other.

  The baby seems to be doing well. Dr. Donnelly checks on me quite regularly, and has become a regular visitor around here, although I am beginning to suspect at least two of our ladies are sweet on him.

  We’ve had some new additions since you left, and I am quite surprised by how rapidly the boardinghouse filled to the brims. Some of the women have agreed to share space so we can take on additional boarders, and the house feels lively. Laughter is never in short supply.

  Soon after you left, Ainsley arrived. She lost her husband in the war and has been working as a governess ever since. She is ready to move on with her life, showing me how strong and resilient we can be.

  The stories the women tell me sometimes make me cry in the quiet of my room at night, but they are determined to survive. I believe we all deserve a chance to live our best life, and I will work tirelessly to make that possible for these lovely souls.

  Thea is thriving. She hasn’t heard any more from her father, and I am committed to letting her grow into the woman she’s meant to be, in her own time. Fifteen is too young to marry, as far as I’m concerned. She is like family to me, and I enjoy having her here.

  Lindsay has become very busy with orders for wedding dresses, and it has surprised no one more than her, despite her vast skills. She has an eye for detail, and I’m not at all surprised. With the exception of Thea, all of the women in the house have hired her to make their dream wedding dress, and her reputation has become known beyond Burlington County. She is also working on a lovely dress for Tilly, and sends her regards. She said to watch for a delivery very soon.

  Much love to you!

  Mrs. Elly Bates

  Chapter Sixteen

  Angelica walked in another wide circle in the wooded area not too far from the stream she was headed to, hoping her guard, Darren, would become bored and find a place to sit for a while. Now that the Stillwell brothers had been brought to justice, she didn’t quite see the need to have someone hover over her all the time. Cam was with her, and though he was young and playful, he was alert enough to give her warning if someone was lurking nearby.

  The pup walked at her heel, almost stepping on top of her as she made a sharp turn to address Darren. “Listen, I know you are under orders to stay with me at all times, but can you please just watch from afar today? I want to sit on a log by the stream in quiet for a few minutes, and your boots crunching through the snow are going to be anything but peaceful for me.”

  Darren blinked at her, seeming unsure of himself as he thought about it. Sensing his weakness, she continued. “And Holden wouldn’t mind if you give me a few minutes of privacy, right? What if I need to relieve myself?”

  Darren coughed into his glove. “Alright, Mrs. Jamieson. I’m going to sit up on that there bare rock and if you need to relieve yourself, the tree line to the south is out of my line of sight. If you hear anything at all, signal me and I’ll come quickly.”

  Smiling sweetly, Angelica said, “Thank you, Darren.”

  She hiked at a quick pace, anxious to get away before he changed his mind. Her husband was a fair man but had firm expectations of the men who worked for him. He would be furious if he found out that she had wandered unattended but she desperately needed some time alone.

  She brushed the light dusting of snow off a log near the stream and sat, wondering how much longer it would be before the whole world turned white with snow. She wanted to enjoy as much outside time as she could before she was forced indoors.

  She closed her eyes and raised her face to the sun, thinking of warmer days. A quick, cold wind touched her face, causing Cam to stand and shake. The unmistakable sound of brush crunching caused her to jump, fear of a wild animal coming to hurt Cam made her heart pound. She jumped up as he yelped and ran.

  Angelica followed Cam, running swiftly and reaching for him as she swooped past a low tree branch, narrowly missing. “Cam!”

  Angelica closed the gap between her and the pup, stopping short when she saw a flash of scarlet. She pulled closer to a tree nearby, waiting for the figure to move or realize she was there watching.

  After a moment, the scarlet-clad figure turned and the young woman gasped. She had a small embroidered pouch draped across her body, and she clutched it to her side.

  “Who are you?” Angelica moved forward slowly, afraid that if she made a sudden movement, the woman would bolt.

  Her body shook as she watched Angelica, her eyes wide with fear. “I’m Samantha. Who are you?”

  “My name is Angelica Jamieson, and this is our land. I wasn’t aware that anyone else was out here.”

  Samantha’s cheeks reddened to match her dress. “I’m sorry, ma’am. I was out enjoying a peaceful day off, and I think I wandered off too far.”

  Angelica held her palm up, her gloves still stiff and new. “It’s alright. No harm done.”

  “I’ve heard of you.” A shy smile broke free of the fear. “You’re that woman who arranged a marriage.”

  Angelica returned her smile. “I am. Are people really talking that much?”

  Samantha picked up her skirt and closed the gap between them a little. “They are, but they talk about me, too.”

  Frowning, Angelica asked, “Why is that?”

  Samantha inhaled sharply. “I work at Hog Ranch.”

  “Oh.” Angelica felt a prickle of fear run up her neck, but it receded when she looked carefully into the woman’s soft hazel eyes. The uncertainty she saw there stirred up a feeling of protectiveness inside of her. She glanced back to see if she had triggered Darren’s attention, but the man had leaned back against a rock and placed his hat over his eyes.

  “I see.” Angelica reached for Cam, petting his head absently as she grasped for something to say.

  “I don’t mean to make things awkward for you. I can go.” Samantha turned, clutching her bag.

  “Wait. Don’t go.” Angelica took in a deep breath and let it out, reminding herself to keep her voice down to avoid bringing Darren down from his perch. “It gets a little lonely around here with Holden working such long hours.”

  Samantha smiled, her dark brown hair loose around her shoulders lifting in the breeze. “He’s quite nice.”

  Angelica felt jealousy settle in her stomach in a tight knot. “You know him?”

  Samantha’s cheeks reddened again. “Not like that.” She looked down, but not before Angelica saw a shimmer of tears glisten in her eyes. “He’s one of the rare men in town who simply say hello, rather than look at me like a commodity or ignore me for being beyond redemption.”

  The jealous knot loosened, replaced by compassion and a twinge of shame. She shouldn’t have made such sweeping judgements, and by the look in Samantha’s haunted eyes, she could tell the woman was on the receiving end of it more often than not. She began to walk away, her pouch still clutched against her side.

  “Is anyone really beyond redemption?” Angelica asked.

  Samantha stopped walking, looking over her shoulder doubtfully before slowly turning around. “I never thought of it that way, but surely I am.”

  Angelica thought for a moment, afraid to scare the woman off. “Does not the Bible say that all of us have sinned? Every single one?”

  “And you? How do you fit into that?” Samantha’s eyes welled. “I don’t think we’re talking on the same parallel.”

  “No? Who decides which of us is only a little bit guilty? Or completely unforgivable?”

  Samantha blinked, her shoulders lifting in a shrug. “I don’t know. I guess the men and women of the church.”

  Angelica felt a deep nesting of peace fill her, the pain of what she’d been through in her past dulling as the realization of why she’d endured it dawned on her. Without that experience, she may have lived her whole life bound by the chains of that very opinion. “Not the men and women of the church. God decided long ago, and neither you or I will be turned away, no matter what it is we’ve done.”

  Samantha stared at the stream, watching the swirls of water as Angelica considered the thoughts likely swirling through the woman’s mind. She stayed quiet, giving her the space to contemplate uninterrupted.

  “Thank you.” Samantha’s voice, barely a whisper, held a lightness that wasn’t there a moment ago.

  “Care to sit and visit for a spell?” Angelica waited patiently, pleased when Samantha hesitantly sat on a rock nearby. She smiled, nodding toward the woman’s bag. “That’s beautiful. Did you make it?”

  “No.” She spoke quietly, looking as if she was tucked deep into her memories for a moment. “It was given to me by someone I really cared about.”

  “What do you keep in it?” Angelica regretted asking almost as soon as the words were out, wanting to find common ground with the woman but struggling. When Samantha smiled gently, she felt herself begin to relax again.

  “I keep herbs in it.”


  She nodded, a faint smile on her lips. “Yes. I always wanted to be a doctor, but that’s a man’s world, isn’t it?”

  “I never thought of it that way, I guess.”

  Brows raised, Samantha said, “I didn’t mean to sound bitter.”

  “You don’t. I can see your point.” Glancing back to see Darren quietly watching the two women, she raised a hand and waved, signaling she was alright. She returned her gaze to Samantha, seeing the woman stiffen when she realized they weren’t alone. “It’s alright. His name is Darren. He works for my husband and won’t cause any harm.”

  Samantha nodded, her posture stiffening.

  “Tell me more about your herbal medicine.” Daring to hope for Tilly’s sake, she asked, “Can you help with pregnancy?”

  A look of surprise flickered across Samantha’s face. Hesitantly, she asked, “How far along are you?”

  “What?” Angelica’s heartbeat kicked into a gallop. Realization of what Samantha implied dawned on her, causing heat to fill her cheeks. “I meant helping someone get pregnant.”

  “But you have the look about you. Certainly, you must have noticed signs.”

  Angelica glanced back toward Darren, grateful he had st
ayed put. Whispering, she said, “I have.” Angelica’s heart pounded at her acknowledgment of what she’d been holding secret from Holden, but she pressed on. “It’s not for me.”

  Samantha shook her head. “I’ve heard of some herbs that can help but I don’t have any.” She clutched her bag awkwardly. “I think it’s time for me to go. It was nice to meet you.”

  Angelica stood, causing Cam to jump up at her side. “Wait. Please say you’ll come again. Same time tomorrow?”

  She held her breath as she watched the woman consider her request, doubtful and hesitant. At last, she nodded.

  “Same time.” With a quick smile, she was gone.

  Angelica arrived at the same spot the next day a little early, lugging a picnic basket. She had to convince Darren to stay back and allow her the freedom to breathe a little, sealing the deal with an apple fritter as a bribe. She glanced back at him, giggling as she watched him lick his fingers.

  “Good day, Angelica.” Samantha stood behind a tree, a small package in her hands. “I brought you something.” She carefully stepped over rocks until she reached Angelica’s side. “For your friend. Tell her to make a tea each night, starting the first day of her moon cycle. I’ll replenish them as I can.”

  Angelica took the bundle, her heart swelling with gratitude. “Thank you.” She smiled, tucking the package into her skirt pocket. “I brought you something, as well.” She opened the picnic basket, the aroma of apple fritters wafting out, mixing with the earthy scents near the stream. “Would you like one?”

  Samantha smiled and reached for one, her face softening as she relaxed. She looked younger than Angelica thought at first. “How old are you, Samantha?”

  “Twenty-two. Old, aren’t I?”

  Angelica laughed. “Not hardly.” She took a bite, chewing quietly. “Tell me, what do you want out of life?” Seeing the alarm she’d caused, she spoke quickly to soothe it. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to pry. I just meant…what would you do with your life if you could do anything you wanted?”